Coventry  Annual Board Meeting

Italian American Club

Sunday, January 28, 2018

4:00 p.m.


Members in Attendance

·         President, Todd King;  Vice President, Susan Kirkpatrick; Treasurer, Laurie Capece: Secretary, Gina Parson; Members at Large: Crista Gomer, Bonnie Watson, Susan Kirkpatrick, Kathy Garrow, and Victor Cox


A motion was made to begin the meeting at 4:00 p.m.


A quorum was achieved with 64 members in person or by proxy.  The proof of notice of our Annual Meeting was read by President Todd King. 

A motion was made to dispense with the reading of last years Annual Meeting minutes.  It was seconded and passed.

Treasurer Laurie Capece gave her report:

·         Dues will remain the same- $150

·         10 deliquent dues for the year, but 3 of those paid as of this date.

·         Currently shopping around for Liability Insurance.  Some owners suggested names or provided their contact information.

·         A question about the luminaries being budgeted was asked.  Luminaries will continue to be a budget item.


Old Business

·         Questions were asked regarding the landscaping due to what some deemed as being neglected.  Someone also asked what exactly was included in our contract with Tye Dye Landscaping.  It was revealed that we were on a kind of “month to month” agreement.  Kris Geddings will head up a group to address concerns at the front entrance.  This includes the plantings, lighting, and landscaping agreements. 

·         A discussion about flooding issues in the neighborhood were also addressed.  Member at Large, Victor Cox gave an abundance of information about the drainage systems present in Coventry and surrounding area. All neighbors should be aware of the need to keep drains clean from debris, especially yard debris. Anyone using a landscaping company should also address the blowing of grass cuttings into the road and drains as well. Cleaning of the drains should also be performed by the city, so owners may call and request those services when necessary.

·         Street parking was a continuing issue for some this year.  A suggestion was made to talk with neighbors if the problem is occurring and violating covenants.

·         People walking dogs are not cleaning up after them, according to a couple of residents.  Our hope is for everyone to be responsible for the waste of their pets, but to say something at the time of occurrence if at all possible.


New Business

·         Sidewalks are being built down Mandarin Road. This project is ongoing and we have no date of completion.

·         Although it has been an issue in the past, solicitors still frequent the neighborhood.  Susan Kirkpatrick explained how to make our “No soliciting” sign legitimate in the eyes of the city.  A petition must be created, signed by residents, and registered with the city.

·         Todd King left his position on the Board.  Kris Geddings, Kate Davidson, and Carlos Parada volunteered to join the Board. A motion was made to accept the new Board and was seconded.



A motion was made at 4:53 to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded and approved.



Minutes submitted by Gina Parson, Secretary