Coventry Owner’s Association

Board Meeting

                                   Thursday, February 2, 2012



I. Call to order

Vice President Gerry Geddings called to order the meeting of the Coventry Owners Association, Inc. at 7:17 p.m. at his home.

II.                Roll call

The following persons were present:

Gerry Geddings, Vice President

Laurie Capece, Treasurer

Gina Parson, Secretary

Bonnie Watson,  Kathryn Garrow, and Marie Hartnett, Members at Large

Todd King and Howard Segal



III.              Open issues

a)      Capece offered to remain Treasurer and Parson offered to remain Secretary.

b)      Geddings volunteered to take over the Presidency of the Board.  Howard Segal expressed interest in being Vice President. 

c)      Capece made a motion to accept the new Board.  Parson seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

d)     Capece said there are currently 7 lots unpaid, two of those lots are in foreclosure.  She will send out a 10 day demand letter along with the 2012 dues letter. 

e)      After a discussion, Geddings proposed to continue to allow Capece to make decisions regarding late dues and the contact that follows.

f)       Electrical issues continue to plague the front entrance.  Suggestions to replace the lighting on the Coventry sign were heard.  Hartnett will call around for a reputable electrician to get estimates for work to be done.

g)      Capece got a preliminary estimate for irrigation work needed.  Parson made a motion to accept the estimate.  The motion was seconded and passed.

h)      Graffiti on sign needs to be completely removed.   



IV.    Old Business


a)       Gedding wants Board to discuss the proposal of allowing a neighborhood vote             to allow Board to make decisions on fencing on a case by case basis, without         altering the covenants.

b)      Landscaping bids will continue through February.

c)      Board discussed informing residents when a fellow resident passes away.

d)     Gedding proposed making a permanent information sign.  He will call for estimates.

e)      Facebook page for Coventry has been created as a private, invitation-only group.

f)       Issues with vacant properties on Hawksmore and Bolton Abbey were discussed.  Board will make inquiries for additional information.

g)      Capece proposed a March 1st meeting at her home at 7:30.

V.                Adjournment

Parson motioned to adjourn meeting at 8:37.  Hartnett seconded and the motion passed.

Minutes submitted by:  Gina Parson, Secretary

Minutes approved by:  Gerry Geddings, President